
Advocacy on Domestic Violence and Domestic Servitude to Amorji-Nike

Africa Faith & Justice Network (AFJN)and Dominicans for Justice and Peace paid Advocacy Visit to HRM Igwe Dr Titus Okolo of Amorji Nike Enugu.
HRM and his Cabinet accepted to partner with us in protecting and seeking justice for victims of Domestic Violence and Domestic Servitude.
The chief promised, in the presence of his people, to implement their suggestions to stop domestic violence and end servitude.

The organizers of the programe were Sr. Eucharia Madueke SNDdeN, Fr. Aniedi Okure, OP and Frederick Ifeanyi Obananya, OP

Africa Faith & Justice Network's Women Empowerment Project with Sr. Eucharia Madueke SNDdeN and Dominicans for Justice and Peace Nigeria met with an Enugu Nigeria community. The chief promised, in the presence of his people, to implement their suggestions to stop domestic violence and end servitude.